Cell Team Print
Written by alloplastic   
Tuesday, 31 January 2012 22:48

Cell is a unique fusion of technology, visual art, sound design, storytelling, and music... and of the thinking of these people.

 Sheldon Pacotti

Sheldon Pacotti

Best known for his work as the principal writer of the first two Deus Ex games, Sheldon Pacotti also writes software, designs games, teaches game writing at the University of Texas, and writes fiction and non-fiction.

After leaving Ion Storm, he worked as a designer -- including systems designer, content designer, and lead designer -- on games that include “America’s Army: Rise of a Soldier,” “X3: The Official Movie Game PSP” (not released), and “Auto Assault,” before returning to Austin, Texas to found New Life Interactive, LLC. 

 Lindsay Rigling Smith

Lindsay Rigling Smith

Lindsay Rigling Smith is a sequential artist for games, comics and other independently produced media. Along with her illustrative work for Cell's cut scenes, she has had substantial experience with drawing caricatures and with painting full scale acrylic murals. She has also created dynamic promotional designs for local business and live theater.

She has earned a Bachelor in FIne Arts specifically for her focused study of sequential art from The Savannah College of Art & Design and currently has a webcomic in the works, which will be self-published online later this year. For now, examples of her artwork may be viewed through her blog: lrstudiosrl.tumblr.com.

 Robin Arnott

Robin Arnott

Robin is a visionary sound designer and founder of the Wraughk sound design studio. 

In addition to being an interactive audio developer for independent games like Antichamber and The Spire, he is also an experimental game designer exploring emotional immersion.  He is the creator of Deep Sea, a game made entirely from sound which won the Independent Propellar Innovation award at SXSW in 2011.

 Logan Middleton & Band

Logan Middleton

Composer Logan Middleton plays with the Austin, Texas band, The Laughing. He is a graduate of the Berkeley School of Music. Cell is his first video game project.

"The soundtrack to (Cell) is something I cherished. Any of you who read my reviews know a soundtrack means a lot to me in a game... Cell’s tracks hit home..."

       -- Empty Apartment

 Adam Hilton

Adam Hilton

Adam cast, directed, and recorded the game's dialogue.  He is a recording engineer, sound designer and musician who strives to produce professional work that remains emotionally resonant. He records out of Shine Studios in Austin, TX, where he has worked in a number of media, including theatre, gaming and music, bringing versatility and ingenuity to each project. To hear samples of his work and learn more, visit:



Last Updated on Monday, 28 January 2013 22:36