New Life Interactive is pursuing lightweight technological experiments intended to lay a foundation for game development during the next decade. Given the rise of the GPGPU and many-core processor, we believe that the industry is on the verge of a forward leap, not just in processing power but in the types of simulations that will be applicable to games. Our projects are geared toward realizing unexplored forms of gameplay made possible by massively parallel computing. Nonetheless, we can't resist doing smaller technological experiments now and then. A couple of the more useful projects are available as freeware on this site. (See below.)
Written by alloplastic
Thursday, 18 October 2012 12:10 |
Overview Game Blocks is a free, open source library for making games. A purely visual programming toolkit, it was built with BYOB (Build Your Own Blocks) from UC Berkeley, which is built on top of Scratch. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. See
Game Blocks was developed as a teaching aid by game developer Sheldon Pacotti for a course at the University of Texas entitled "RTF 344M: Writing and Narrative Design for Video Games." (See the syllabus.) The library allows novice game designers to experiment with storytelling, animation, physics, interaction and standard game types like adventure games, platformers, and arcade shooters. Projects can be compiled into executables for Mac, PC, and Linux. The library itself, running within BYOB, is cross-platform as well. Downloads The following free downloads are available from this site: Game Blocks v0.2.4 Library and Examples Game Blocks v0.2.4 Source Code
Support For the latest information on community projects, bugs, and ongoing development, please visit the NLI forums. Tutorials For the easy path to learning about Game Blocks, please browse the following series of videos. (You'll need to allow popups.) - Intro - Introduction Getting Started - Writing - Emotes Tutorial Cut Scenes Tutorial Talk Trees Tutorial - Game Systems -
Player Movement Tutorial Game Levels Tutorial Inventory Tutorial - Enhancements -
Cartoons Tutorial Physics Tutorial - Game Types -
Platformer Tutorial Arcade Shooter Tutorial Simulation Game Tutorial Point and Click Adventure Tutorials (Watch the Game Levels and Inventory tutorials.) |
Last Updated on Thursday, 16 October 2014 00:37 |
Story Generation Language |
Written by Administrator
Thursday, 18 October 2012 12:05 |
The "S Language" is a fun little toy for generating random phrases, sentences, and even stories. It currently runs inside of a Windows-based interpreter. Someday, we would like to deploy this language for the creation of online chatterbots, interactive stories, and "learning" systems. This will likely require a complete rewrite of the interpreter -- largely for performance reasons -- and some more exacting attention paid to linguistics research. The full documentation and interpreter can be viewed here. |
Last Updated on Thursday, 18 October 2012 12:07 |